Tuesday, May 15, 2012


1Extended/eternal life
2Synthetic life
3Repairing/manipulating DNA
4Organ replacement / growing organs
5Designer babies / designer bodies
6Personalized drugs
7Gene therapy/manipulation
8Biostasis - Cryogenic sleep
9Human cloning
10Virtual/robot medicine
11Instant pain relief
12Bionic implants to allow for extreme strength
13Morphing of the human body
14Age reversal
15Creation of organisms
16Synthetic organs
17Enhanced senses
18Alteration of our bodies in superhuman ways
19Bionic limbs
20Never have to sleep or eat
21Use genes of other animals to implant in us
22Artificial immune system
23Computer generated life, e.g., design a tree, generate a seed, plant it in the ground and watch the tree grow
24Creation of new animal and plant species by genetic manipulation
25Human/animal waste elimination
26Gene manipulation to change eye and hair color at the salon
27Cloning of dinosaurs
28A capsule that can be swallowed which will cure all diseases
29Instant hair color changer
30Medicine that increase life of human being
31Cloning machines
32Genetically altered humans that can photosynthesize
33A new sense discovered, example eyes see a new type of wave, ears hear a type of wave.....another useful sense for humans
34Viruses that can give super powers

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